Creative Writing: Why People Call Me Dumb

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Lots of people call me dumb. The definition of dumb”, according to is " lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid;dull-witted”.. But that's not me. They call me dumb because I like to make lots of decisions or say something without thinking it through,. Or I don't understand something right away in class, or blurt out the answer. People talk and they talk a lot and rumors spread and rumors are never good, because even the good ones let people down. I do a lot of things that are dumb or try to be funny and end up looking dumb. Lots of people think I'm dumb because I can't focus in class and drift off because of my ADHD, but I try to do better I can. I know I didn't do the best in school or didn't make the best decisions during …show more content…

According to the Huffington post 1 out of 10 teen boys have quit an activity or dropped an AP class out of being bullied for intelligence and 1 out of 5 girls experience the same thing.
According to 160,000 kids skip school each day to avoid being bullied. Intelligence is everything in our society today and people who are doing bad in school because of lack of focus. Concentration, or motivation are constantly bullied and harassed for example, I have ADHD and can't focus as well as most other kids, I drift off easy and that makes me do bad in school because I don't like to listen or sit down and do an assignment. Even as I'm writing this essay I can just feel myself getting bored and tired and wanting to go home. Getting bullied doesn't help I know I am smart and people that know me know this, but I just need to apply myself more to help myself. This doesn’t just happen to me kids around the world are bullied. Kids who are bullied, according to “, kids who are bullied have decreased academic achievements such as a lowered GPA, lower test scores and lack of participation. These kids also have decreased in mental and physical health. They commonly develop depression and anxiety.” There are also effects on the people who bully these kids and the bystanders such as, increased drug and alcohol uses, and more of a non law abiding personality. People should not bully other people and there are lasting effects on all of the three parties, the bully, the bystander, and the victim, most effects on the victim are the worst but that doesn't mean you will be fine if you bully

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