Creative Writing: Trapped

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Callie was never the type of girl that was into partying. Okay, so, she smoked one time with her best friend Taylor, the only thing she could think of was: why is my tongue so dry? Wow I'm hungry, that chair looks like the perfect place for a nap, and now I'm really hungry. Seemed to be the only thoughts running through her head, waking up the next day covered in drool, she couldn't help but think well I tried it-wasn't for me. Case closed. As she sits in a slightly sticky leather booth in a cafe in the middle of nowhere, she wants to scream at her mother, "ARE YOU HIGH?!" And she does. Ms. Tompkins chokes on her chocolate cake, thankful their booth is all the way in the corner so no one could hear her daughter accuse her of something …show more content…

said. are. you. high?" Callie leans back into the cushion seats, sharply pronouncing each word, because clearly her mother didn't hear her the first time. Callie's mom starts straightening everything around her: the napkin dispenser, the utensils, her cup of ice water, and finally the plate that holds the now forgotten piece of cake. Her daughter is observant, ever since she was a toddler she could just about read someone as if they were an open book. Callie knows her mother is trying to calm …show more content…

Probably not, if one thing is for sure Scott Hayes was more into flight then fight. She pushed the cardboard box on her parents kitchen counter to look at the note laid on the sleek marble. "Kiss Callie for us, and call us when you get to aunt Jenny's house! We love you both, have a safe flight!" Chloe knew that was her parents doing, they were very disappointed when she told them she was pregnant and to find out she was already five months was a sickening feeling that they hadn't noticed. But she was their baby girl after a stern talking to with her in tears, her mother had had enough and was too ashamed of Chloe until her healthy 7 lbs and 14 oz baby came out, then it was like she didn't do anything

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