Creative Writing: The Virus

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It was another boring day at the medical center. I was just inside cleaning the room to get ready to go home. As I’m locking the door to the operating room, a man comes and knocks on the window and asks if I can have a look at his dog. I unlocked the door and let the patient in. The man that has come into the room, came because his dog was severely ill. The dog had a fever of 37o and looked as dead as a zombie. As I was listening to his heart beat with a stethoscope, the dog bit my arm and made me bleed. I quickly retrieved and held my hand as it was bleeding and looked at the owner. I asked the owner, “How long has your dog been acting like this for?” the owner replied “He has been acting like this for about a week now.” Well unfortunately …show more content…

The doctor didn’t look so happy when he was inside the room with me. I asked him, “what’s wrong?”, but he didn’t say anything to me. I had a feeling that I am sick with some sort of virus but I couldn’t tell if it was true or not so I asked again. I my feelings were right, he told me “the dog that bit you was contaminated by a virus. We are doing everything we can to try help defeat this virus before it takes over your body because it might kill you, and also you are not allowed to go anywhere and no one is allowed to see you because it could be contagious”. My head was ringing like a bell thinking how long it will take to find a cure for this devastating virus, but this is only the start of it.
After a week, I have been getting worse every day. I have no energy, massive migraines, and catching a deadly cold. I had woken up at around 10 o’clock pm felling itchy all over my body. My skin was forming red dots all over my body. I couldn’t resist not scratching myself so I did. The nurse came in after hearing a lot of noise and injected me with a drug to stop the rash from …show more content…

Surprised as I should be, the dog that has bitten my hand and caused this virus to enter my body, is still alive! I thought they had put it down but instead they took it in for some testing. The nurses took me to the room that the dog was being tested. The room was cold and dark, there were scanners on the cage the dog was kept in, and there were 2 syringes with mixed chemicals to test if they could cure the virus. Because there was only one test subject, they had to go find another animal that they thought could deal with such strong chemicals, so they bring in a monkey. The monkey was first on the list for being tested. They injected the syringe into the monkeys shoulder and waited 5 minutes for the results. There were no side effects to the syringe that was used with the monkey, and then it was the dogs turn. The syringe was injected into the dog’s neck and we waited 5 minutes for the next results. Suddenly the dog look way healthier than it was when it came into the clinic. It was hopping on its 2 feet, running up and down, and barking. Finally they had found a cure for this virus. I am so glad now that I don’t have to be trapped into a room staring at the wall all day and be cured. Now it was my turn to get my syringe, they injected it into my shoulder. Within seconds I could feel it kicking in making me strong and healthy as I was before. The

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