Creative Writing: The Rollercoaster Of Life

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The Rollercoaster of Life I woke up one morning to the sun shining on my face through the stingy, old blinds. It was 7:40am, I had class at 8. I pulled the covers back, jumped off the top bunk and grabbed my toothbrush, than ran to the bathroom. I looked like a mess when I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a fresh new zit staring right back at me in the mirror, I thought to myself of course, just what I need. I was stressed, I had a big test in bio that day, and I was already on a time crunch. Minute by minute kept going by and I was still trying to get all my stuff together when Madi walked in at 7:52 to walk to class with me. I wasn 't ready, I felt like my whole world was going to change because I was going to be late for my Bio test. …show more content…

Just going through each one of them, (I’m not a creep I swear), I was bored and I just kept looking at all the pictures and how beautiful and perfect their friend group is. As I was stalking the last friend, I looked at all of her pictures and thought to myself; wow, she has everything. She has the most beautiful long brown hair, she died her a hair a couple time; blonde, red, black, and they all looked amazing on her. Her makeup was done to a perfection so it made it looked like she was hardly wearing any. Her clothes were always on point; she had the best style. I had always been so jealous of her. When the next day came around it felt like a normal day; I woke up went to school, went shopping with one of my friends, it seemed like a perfectly normal day. Then, suddenly, as my friend and I were approaching Armstrong she received a text, she instantly stopped in her place, and her mouth dropped. The news she received scrambled out of her mouth as she told me. On September 23, 2015 was the day she took her life. A life that seemed to live for, that everyone wanted, including me. Her name was Katie, Katie Burns. Those words when they leave my mouth give me the chills. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She seemed like she had it all; she was popular, had the best friends, the most loving family, a twin brother, the best style I had ever seen, she was loved. She always …show more content…

People die. Why do people have to die. The pain, death leaves are unbearable at times. So many young people are having to bury the ones they love. So many parents have to bury their children. So much death has surrounded me, and has affected so many of my loved ones. I go to bed just assuming that I’m going to wake up the next morning, I wake up and don’t think anything of it. I get dressed, go to school, lay down, do my homework, hang out with my friends, and then start it all over again without thinking twice about if I am going to wake up the next morning, or if today is my last day. I don’t live my life to the fullest, it’s hard to when you 're so occupied by everything else that’s going on that sometimes I just want the day to be over. I feel guilty a lot, so many of the people around me have lost their loved ones, people close to them, but me; I’ve seen my loved ones lose the people they love, but I’ve never experienced that grief myself. It’s hard for me to understand what people go through, because I’ve never experienced it first hand. That’s why I feel guilty. I haven’t had to experience the death of a loved one, depression, anxiety, a sickness that has affected me personally. I feel extremely blessed, but extremely guilty at the same time. I don’t know how to help someone that is depressed or has anxiety because I don’t understand how people are feeling with this kind of disease. At the same time I feel like

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