Creative Writing: The Murderer

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John heard gunshots so he ran downstairs and he saw his grandparents lying on The ground. ”Grandma, grandpa!” he called 911. “This is an emergency come quickly, as quick as you can!” John was really upset he couldn’t wait so he ran away from home. While he was running he saw a guy holding a gun, John knew that he was the murderer because he had blood on him, and he was going into a house that was across the street from John’s house. “Don’t move” John yelled. The murderer immediately went into the house, John was so enraged he ran into the house too. When John heard the murderer go up stairs John walked around the house hesitantly. John found a suspicious suitcase that was closed, “I wonder what would be inside” he whispered to himself. When he was about to open the suitcase, the murderer was down stairs. …show more content…

John finally woke up on his bed at home and he memorized where the murderer’s home in Russia was, and teleported there. “I’m finally here” everyone stared at him when he got there. He ran off embarrassed, but that didn’t matter. He saw the same thing like the last time when his grandparents got murdered. He saw the same guy with a black coat walk towards a house that looked like the ranch style house that was on the murderer’s computer. He yelled, “Hey you, stop what’s you’re doing”, and then the tall, thin criminal ran in the house anyway. John heard people inside so he ran into the house and shouted “Stop what you’re…” He looked around the kitchen and noticed that was a radio was on. “Oh thank God”. But John didn’t know that the criminal was right behind him, and the guy whacked him with a stick. The next day John woke up cuffed to a chair. John called out, ”Hello, anyone here?” No one answered him. John saw a shadow and yelled “Hey you, why are you here”. The guy in the black coat didn’t answer him, and pointed a gun at him instead, saying “This is what you get!” and pulled the

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