Creative Writing: The Highway

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There is a highway but unlike others. Its not often used . But under the stars and the darkness of the sky the full moon shines brightly , illuminating the land. The land that the highway was painfully carved into. Upon that high way that was curved and twisted in odd way, there was a girl in the back of the truck bed. The girl's name was as mysterious as herself and this particular night. Her long hair spilled out gently moving in the breeze as the truck drove down the odd highway. Her eyes are a pretty cool green. She didn't know yet what life had in store for her. Oh but she will end up finding out soon enough. But right now is not the time for the girl to know what life is going to through at her. The girl loved mysteries and adventures. …show more content…

Thoghue the parking lot is a dead give away that I was some what wrong for a single car proved that there was someone who was up ruining the ticket booth. The mysterious named girl hoped out of truck, got her luggage and pays the drive. As she was walked up to the ticket booth the truck had already drove away. She silently pays for her train ticket. The guy selling the train tickets picked up the money that she layed on the top of the counter top…the guy slides the ticket over to her, she picks it up and puts it into her jacket pocket. She wears that jacket not just because its cold outside…but because of the scares on her neck and the curious looking silver symbols imbedded into her skin that runs down arms & shoulders even across her back. The cold did not effect her for the bitter chill of the wind never touches her skin. As the girl sits on the bench that layes in the shadow wating for the train to come. The only sourse of sound she heras is the ticking of a clock set above the bench the girl sits at. A few minuts go by, she lookes up at it only to realize that the ticking clock is set at the wrong

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