Creative Writing: Scary Story

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Scary Story “Hey, what do you guys want to do. I’m so bored,” exclaimed Crystal. Crystal, Robbie, and Angela thought for a moment. “Movie?” asked Angela. “ No money,” Robbie said. They all thought, wondering what they could do. “ I know it, let’s go to that abandon house in the woods,” suggested Angela. Angela is a very bad influence. She sneaks out everyday and is in and out of jail. She has long blond hair, it looks almost white. She has brown eyes that glow. “I’m ok with that. But if anything goes wrong I am blaming you,” Robbie exclaimed. Robbie is super smart, has 90% in all his classes. But, he is so smart that he is dumb sometimes. Robbie is tall with short black hair. He can kick any ones butt. “ Guys, I don't …show more content…

It will be so much fun,” pleaded Robbie and Angela. “ Ok, but just like Robbie said if anything happens I'm blaming you,” agreed Crystal. They walked to the abandoned house in the woods. “ How far is this house Angela?” Asked Robbie. “ Like I said, it's in the middle of the woods. We aren't even that far,” answered Angela. They walked for another 10 minutes and they finally got to the house. “ Who's going in first?” gulped Angela. The house was very old. The wood was rotting, smelled like dead animals rotting, and it was covered in mosses and weeds. “You were the one that wanted to come here so you go in first,” exclaimed …show more content…

“Angela is that you? Don’t be pulling anything on me,” screamed Crystal. That black figure turned into a tall muscular, bald man covered in blood. “ Are you hungry?” asked the tall man. then pulled out a plate with Angela's head on it smeared in blood! Crystal screamed running to the door hoping it would open. Heavy footsteps walk behind Crystal. Running, crystal dropped the light, making her run in darkness. In darkness, running, and about to end up just like her friends. Crystal trips and screaming even louder. The footprints stop. Quickly Crystal gets up, she finds the front door, and opens it. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” screamed Crystal. But what she didn't know was that those words would be her last. There standing at the door was the killer. He picked Crystal up holding her by the neck choking her. The killer takes the knife stabs Crystal in the stomach. Crystal lying on the ground in her own puddle of blood, dead just like her friends. All around town, posters on every corner. They all say: “3 missing kids. Angela, Robbie, and Crystal all the age of 16.” People look every where for the kids but can not find them. But, what they don’t know is that the kids are dead, gone forever. The killer on the loose, waiting for his next victims. He is ready to

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