Creative Writing: Pausing Before Her

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Pausing, before she spoke. Beverly finally said, “She said ‘that ole bitch’ knows I will do whatever is necessary to keep both Frank and Jerry. It takes both of them to make my life complete. I could take care of her in a heartbeat without any regrets. I said you are not serious.” “We are not interested in what you said, Mrs. Lowry, only what Mrs. Barnes said.” “Why won’t you let me tell you the rest?” Beverly asked and looked at Marlene with tears pouring down her cheeks. “Your Honor, would you please instruct the witness to answer the questions only and nothing more?” She asked. “Mrs. Lowry, please answer only the questions asked.” Judge Hunter admonished her. “Now Mrs. Lowry, did you ever hear Mrs. Barnes threaten to do bodily harm to

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