Creative Writing On Ice

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It was a very strange morning. The snow was zombie-white. I twist and turn then end up finding myself on the floor, not knowing how i got there. I open my window making the curtains dance around uncontrollably. The cold of the morning freezes my fingers into ungrateful numbness. The cold melt onto my toes and spreads painfully through my feet, as if it was my bare feet on the snowy ice. My lips turn purple and my nose turns into Rudolph’s and my hair freezes as the breeze of the wind slams itself on my face. I try keeping myself calm after getting blown by the wind of the awkward snow storm; but I really can’t. I quickly slam the window and I gaze from up above to the children below, where I can see them playing on the frozen pond. They stamp their feet and thump their chilly bodies trying to keep themselves warm. …show more content…

I look around the pond and see a red caution sign stating “CAUTION, KEEP OFF THIN ICE”. I run towards the pond and happen to be too late. I find myself in position no one should be in. The children seem to have already been taken by the ice monster from beneath the ice. I run back into my room and I think of what i should’ve done before it happened. I start blaming myself for the death of the beautiful children. I end up closing my eyes, trying to think about what I should do next. As I started to think about the children, I fell into a deep sleep.

I wake up and find myself on the floor again. I feel confused on how it was possible to rewind the day of tragedy. As I think to myself on how it possible, I gaze from up above to the children below, where I can see them playing on the frozen pond. They stamp their feet and thump their chilly bodies trying to keep themselves warm. I quickly run down to the area where the children are playing and I warn them about the caution sign but they don’t seem to

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