Creative Writing: My Trip To Hawaii

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(Talking To Myself) “What should I write about?” “ I should write about my trip to Hawaii, Nah!! that ‘s too boring” “Ooh-- I should write about Mike, that might help me get my grades up and I should probably change his name to John or something like that” “So let’s get started”

John was a boy with secure future ,He was a kid that every Mom compared their kids to. He was perfect in studies,one of the best soccer player in his school and was out going too.He had a lot of friend but he had one friend who was like a brother to him, That friend was Me. One 26th of October 1998 he got back his ACTs and SATs tests result he immediately called his Mom and after that he called Me. His Mom was excited with happiness just like any other parent would be, because after all there aren’t many kids who are as perfect as John. 6 months later John received a letter from Harvard's stating that his application was selected and it also stated that he got …show more content…

After John called me i went ahead and told all of his friends that John had been accepted in Harvard's with full scholarship.John was a perfect kid he had a bright future ahead of him and had everything that he needed to achieve his dream of becoming a millionaire.As everyone said he was a “Perfect Kid” but something that’s perfect doesn’t last for long.
After I told them they became very excited and decided to throw a surprise party for him .After hearing that I got excited too and decided to make few suggestions on how to throw a perfect party for John.After that, we decided to throw him a party tomorrow. And then I went home it was almost 1:00PM and then I took a nap which lasted surprisingly long.I woke up around hearing loud noises.Then I heard them from Tyler’s home I went there and found out that they already threw a

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