Creative Writing: Lasting Temporary

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adj. Lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. .......lasting for only a limited period of time. I find so much peace in the word temporary. It brings me an extreme amount of comfort knowing that every single thing that surrounds me is merely temporary. The moment I exist in now, I will not exist in moments from now and that is amazing. This didn't truly become aware to me until I needed to hear it the most. I've opened up about this once before but I get asked about it all the time so I felt it could be beneficial to share once again. Placed on my left bicep is the word "temporary" with the NEDA symbol replacing the "o." This derives from the fact that we as human beings have such a bad habit of focusing on one thing …show more content…

I repeated over and over that I was giving up. Trying to better myself has been so much harder than destroying myself ever was. "I'm stuck like this." "My life is going to be this way forever." .. thoughts that I, and I'm sure you, have thought way too often. Yet, something my mom and team of nurses tried to remind me during this time was that, "It's only temporary." As I sat there crying my mom said, "Everything you're feeling right now is only temporary." And for some reason, that really stuck with me and I've used it as daily motivation …show more content…

Your happiest times will slip past you, for just as your bad times, they are merely temporary. And while this can come off as depressing, to me, it helps me appreciate every person and moment in my life so much more. Instead of letting my moments truly slip through my fingers, I like to document them, whether it be through pictures, saving souvenirs, or journaling about it later on. It may not be the same as living in that moment, but keeping a part of that day allows me to look back and recall all the happiness and blissfulness I

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