Creative Writing: Hi I M Violet

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Hi I’m Violet. I’m the type of girl that people think I’m sunshine and happiness. I’m really not. I’m that one horrible cloud on a perfect day. I hide the real me. I guess you could say “I’m fake” but, I don’t want people to pity me or judge me for who I really am. Especially since I’m one of the “perfect kids” at school. I laugh every time they say that. I have really bad depression. The days were I feel too sad to even fake a smile, I stay home alone and listen to rock/ alternative music. I lost my mom when I was eight. She died from a over dose of pain meds. My father…oh my father. He barely looks at me. I think it’s because I look like my mother every year. So he works every chance he can get. I really miss having a family.

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