Creative Writing: Doctor Paw

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‘H-h-how did I die?' the girl asked as a cold tremor wracked her body. Shivers coursed through her but they became less frequent as she warmed under her blankets. How did her hair get to be so wet and why did she hurt so much? Where was she? All her questions remained unanswered because it was too much of an effort to think, let alone move, or open her mouth to ask them aloud. Am I in heaven? That was the first question she asked herself when she returned to consciousness ten minutes ago. Bright lights filled the room and she had to squint her eyes. The floor was white, the ceiling was white, the walls were white and she was certain she had read in a book somewhere that heaven was white. Then sounds began to filter inside her ear. Instead of …show more content…

‘Oh, dear! How rude of me not to introduce myself! I am Doctor Pax.’ 'What’s that thing, Doctor Pax?' 'It’s your blood sample. I’ll send it off for analysis.' 'Bleh! That’s disgusting! But no, I meant THAT!' She looked on the desk as a small cat prowled in front of the box and stopped to scratch behind its ears. The cat was black. Not harsh black like a lump of coal but more like a storm cloud on a rainy day. When she reached out her hand to touch it, she withdrew it in shock because it wasn’t soft and furry as she expected but instead it felt like a sheet of glass. Smooth, hard, cold and glossy. The cat disappeared, and she eased herself off the stool to check around the back of the box. It had gone. Vanished. The doctor made notes in his little red book. 'Well you see, the box on the desk is a computer and the black cat is a screensaver. Have you never seen one before?' The girl looked at the box and then up at him again. 'No, I’ve not seen a ‘puter box before. Will you show me how it works? Can I play with the cat?' After he made more notes in his book, he raised his head and smiled. 'Not today, but I’ll get one of my teachers to show you when you’re better. Now you, young lady, must get some

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