Creative Writing: Death Of A Salesman

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Being a policeman that he was, Bethmac knew he had the potential to change the course of the next hour that was to come.
(Casual) he says, “ Please supervisors and superintendents, if you may sit down, and fulfill my odd request, please could you sit by ranks, highest to the left and lowest to the right.”
All Supervisors and Superintendents say: Oh ok, thank you for having us Bethmac
They sit down
Bethmac: But first let me inform you that I will do all the talking and mingling due to the condition of the throat of my wife, she has a cold. But please, Joan stay in your seat and introduce and welcome everyone.
Mrs. Bethmac: My throat is not well enough to speak a lot but know in my heart that I welcome you all.
Random man walks into the …show more content…

Random Man: Then it is Quoban’s.
Bethmac whispers: Did you finish him off?
Random Man: I did, I slit his throat.
Bethmac: Good, you are truly the best at slitting throats. Very good work.
Random Man: Sir, Fleaman has escaped, I’m sorry I have failed you
Bethmac: Ugh, now I’m scared again because he could ruin me… Anyways, you sure you finished Quoban?
Random Man: Yes he is. He is buried somewhere, just lying there. I stabbed him more than enough times so he is definitely dead.
Bethmac: Ok thanks, now get out of here, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Leave please
Random Man exits room
Mrs. Bethmac: Hey, come entertain our guests. They are getting the sense that you are not having a good time. If they just wanted to eat then they would eat at home. Make the dinner party interesting immediately.
Bethmac: Oh, thanks for reminding me. (Raises glass), Since good digestion requires a good appetite, and good health requires both of those, here’s to good appetites, good digestion, and good health!

(Awkward glances from everyone)

Lonnox: Take a seat Mr. Bethmac, you been standing an awful long …show more content…

I was thinking way too much about trying to make this story something totally out of the ordinary but yet still holding onto the parallels to the actual scene in the play. I thought about making a scene in space, 100 years from now. I thought about making a scene where cavemen sit at a table and conduct conversation. I even thought about making a scene where after all the events of the scene play out, it turns out that it is all a simulation and then the scene ends there. But then I just decided for something a little bit easier to handle: A policeman trying to hold a quaint dinner party in honor of his supervisors and superintendents. This idea mirrors Shakespeare’s scene because the main character in both instances hallucinates and the higher figures in both have no idea why Macbeth or Bethmac are acting in the way that they do in this scene. In addition, Mrs. Bethmac and Lady Macbeth share parallels in the sense that they are both disgusted yet protective of their husbands. They both question him being a man or not, but they both still want their husband to sleep at the end of the scene because again, they are protective of him. Some parallels that I had with the theme were that killing cannot go unpunished and karma is very alive especially when it comes to murdering other human beings. The first theme really speaks to the fact that killing is always on one’s conscience, and

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