Creative Writing

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How can you benefit from creative writing?
What is creative writing and how can you benefit from the use of creative writing? The definition of creative writing is: writing, typically fiction or poetry, which displays imagination or invention. This explains why creative writing is known as the most natural form of writing because everything is based on your knowledge, or your imagination. It allows you to become one with yourself and express your inner thoughts on paper. This form of writing grants the creative process to keep flowing until you grasp a “Shitty First Draft” as Anne Lammot says. It’s not based on rules, or research, but yet your creative ability, also known as your imagination. Many creative writers find inspiration from creative …show more content…

Vonnegut states, “Most came into being in response to demands by college students during the 1960’s that their courses make more use of their natural impulses to be creative in ways that were not emphatically practical.” Students are able to grasp the concept of creative writing better, it is more of a natural impulse. The majority of students prefer to write and learn in the “creative track.” They tend to show more of an interest if the topic is on something they like or something they created. If students are allowed to use creative writing in their everyday classroom, I believe that writing would not be looked down upon but yet as something the students look forward to. This form of writing will inspire them and make the students become more literate. Creative writing is beneficial because it comes as more of a natural impulse and it peaks an interest among the …show more content…

Vonnegut believes that, “The primary benefit of practicing any art, whether well or badly, is that it enables one’s soul to grow.” The use of creative writing allows you to become aware of your inner thoughts, it allows you think about yourself. Many writers find inspiration for their creative writings in many different ways. Some writers like to go to an art gallery, cook, or even be in complete isolation and boredom. Adam Turia prefers to be outside because it loosens up his mind and allows his creativity to flow. Where ever your inspiration comes from, there is always one thing that remains the same. People are most creative when they are happy or in complete boredom and isolation. You are content with yourself, or maybe you’re not, maybe you use writing as a way to express your feelings or as a type of therapy. Many people keep journals and use creative writing to write in them every single day. To the everyday journalist, creative writing is looked at as a way to express your emotions without anyone seeing them. Either way you choose to use creative writing, you are paying attention to yourself and your emotions. This is how creative writing allows you to become one with your soul and enables you to grow into the person you strive to

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