Creation Vs Intelligent Design

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Many theories regarding the initial creation of the Universe and the Earth have been disputed throughout history. Scientific theories such as the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution have been thought to disagree with religious doctrines such as Creation and Intelligent Design. Historically, many Christians have chosen to believe only in Creation, while the scientific community generally believes in only scientific theories. However, Catholic Popes disagree, stating that Creation can live in harmony with Evolution. In addition to this controversy, some fundamentalist groups insist that Creation or Intelligent Design also be taught in public schools. However, despite the proof that the theory of evolution does not conflict with Catholic …show more content…

While Darwin’s theory of Evolution is disbelieved by many followers of the Christian faith, various Catholic popes have taught that Creationism can in fact coexist with Catholic teaching. To illustrate, Darwin’s theory states that all organisms inhabiting our planet began at a lower level of advancement than how they currently exist. The theory continues on to explain that slowly, over the process of millions of years, organisms develop and evolve into more advanced, adaptive creatures. Contrarily, some Christians and Catholics who view the Bible literally believe that God created the Earth, and that science cannot possibly accompany religion or religious texts; this approach is called biblical literalism. Also contrary to Darwin’s theory, some Christians believe in Intelligent Design, meaning that God created everything on Earth as it currently exists. The Bible’s Creation Stories and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution are viewed by some as rivaling opponents, never to cooperate or connect. Although both concepts involve creation, one is supported by religion and one is supported by science, topics which are viewed by some as completely …show more content…

public educational system struggles to decide which theory should be taught in class. Personally, I am a firm believer in the separation of Church and State, meaning that I believe public schools should only teach secular, scientific curriculum. In accordance to the First Amendments in the U.S. Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” This guarantees that within the United States, religious freedom is able to be exercised liberally. If all pupils attending public schools were required to learn Creationism or Intelligent Design, they would not be religiously free, seeing that they would be learning religious theories that may or may not belong to their religious belief. They would be forced to learn something that they do not personally believe, stripping their right of religious freedom. Religious freedom is not only written into our law but is, in my opinion, a basic human right, providing my reasoning for why Creationism as well as Intelligent design should be prohibited from public school mandatory curriculum. On the contraire, evolution should be taught in public schools, because it is a scientific theory and not a religious one. Because Evolution is supported by practical evidence and does not involve a set religion, it should be allowed within public school

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