Creating Fantasies: I Want to be A Game Designer

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Creating Fantasies The next step toward advancing technology was to create the first video game. In 1952, a British programmer created the first graphical computer game of tic-tac-toe. In October 1958, physicist William Higinbotham created what is thought to be the first video game. The game was called Tennis for Two. In order to play these games, gaming consoles are needed. So, the Magnavox Odyssey was made in 1972. Game designing is a very tedious process, but it is worth it at the end. There are character, level, perfection, sound effect, and action designers. Also, the people who structure and develop the game take part in it. To become a successful game designer, certain interests are needed. One tool needed is math. Math is a vital part in game designing. I have always been intrigued by it. Another interest is to draw. In my family, everyone is a good drawer and I guess it has passed to me because it is fun. Working with technology is part of game designing as well, which could be staring at a screen for many hours. With that comes software engineering. Pretty much being around technology most of the time is an element towards this profession. Then, there is actually liking video games to make one. Receiving knowledge about other jobs is something to look forward to. I love all of these things which motivate me to become a game designer. One does not simply become a game designer, the right education is needed. The most knowledge in mind should be computers and electronics. Knowing how to fix or do anything on a com... ... middle of paper ... ...jor in during college?” If it had something to do with game designing I would follow up with, “Are you familiar with this career?” Were they to answer no I would ask basic questions like, “Do you like computers?” or “Are you interested in math?” If they answered yes I would ask, “Have you been part of a video game before?” Whatever their answer would be, I would ask, “What are your talents or skills?” Then, I would start to question them about things like, “Would you be committed towards this job?” or “Will you try your absolute most best during this career?” Should the person sound determined, I would like to dig deeper into their interests. I will start to ask, “What do you do during your free time?” or “What do you do for fun?” If they answer with computer or math related hobbies I would end the interview and definitely hire this person.

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