Creating False Memory Summary

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Memory errors occur when a person remembers events that never really happened or those memories that are remembered could be different from the way they actually occurred. In some cases people are strongly influenced while in other cases people simply block their memories. The articles, “Adaptive Constructive Processes and the Future of Memory” by Daniel L. Schacter and “Creating False Memories” by Elizabeth F. Loftus both give insight of false memory and memory errors. In this paper I will give a brief summary of both articles. In addition to the summaries of bother articles I will discuss the case of NBC news anchors that involves false memory and what could be done for an individual to decrease the amount of memory errors that they have …show more content…

Schacter discusses how even though memory is a key function it is still prone to error. The author explores the adaptive constructive processes that are a big part in both memory and cognition however it can also establish errors and illusions within one’s mind. There are plenty types of memory errors that happen to be established by adaptive constructive processes and looks at the processing of simulating situations or events that may happen in a person’s future. “Simulating future events relies on many of the same cognitive and neural processes as remembering past events, which may help to explain why imagination and memory can be easily confused” (Schacter, 2012) . The article, “Creating False Memories” by Elizabeth F. Loftus discusses distorted memories. The article begins with talk about Nadean Cool who was a nurse’s aide in Wisconsin. She was seeking help from a psychiatrist so she could deal with a …show more content…

He apologized for the false story when people came forward and pointed out the inconsistencies in his story. When he apologized he claimed that he had “memory fog.” When it comes to Brian Williams, he seemed to have strong memory of the situation due to the fact that he had some many details to back history up. It is possible that Williams revisited the story some years after the incident first occurred and it is possible that the footage that he saw was falsely constructed into a new account of what occurred. “As a memory researcher, I find it credible that Brian Williams had a genuine memory error. We all gradually change narratives about the past in a way that is not deliberate, but because we are under less scrutiny than national journalists, we never realize all the memory errors we make” (Robb,

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