Crate Training Dogs

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There are many benefits to crate training dogs. You will be able to house train your dog with the crate method very easily. In the old days people tried to keep their dog from urinating or defecating in the house by scolding the dog when it was in the act. They would hit the dog with a rolled up newspaper or shove the dog's nose in the urine or excrement.

This is not the way to house-break your dog and will usually make the dog nervous and submissive. If you catch your puppy urinating or defecating, make a loud noise to distract it, take the dog outside and let him finish the act. Reward the dog for doing his business outside.

You need to use a crate to teach the dog not to go inside your house. The dog does not normally urinate or defecate …show more content…

However, the dog may have to go to be let out of the crate during the night to do its business. It will be important to establish a schedule both during the day and at night when you regularly let your dog out to do his business.

One way to address this issue is to take your dog outside when you get up to use the bathroom. By doing this the dog will know when to expect to be let out and will not become anxious.

You can also use the crate to keep your dog from tearing up the house when you are gone. This is especially true for puppies that may be teething and like to chew. Use the crate as a comfortable place for your puppy to retreat and not as place for punishment.

Most dogs will enjoy their crate. Dogs are domesticated pack animals so a crate has the feeling of a den. This is a place where they can escape when they are afraid or anxious, and where they feel safe. When you are introducing your dog to a crate, it will be important to gradually increase the time you put them in the crate with the door shut. Start with just a few minutes and gradually work up, in this way your dog will not feel …show more content…

If you travel by air and want you dog to take the trip with you then the dog has to be used to riding in a crate. The airline also has its rules. You want to call to make sure you understand what the requirements are to transport a pet by crate.

The dog might need to have certain vaccines and license for the airline to accept it. One way to introduce your dog to the crate is to make it an enjoyable experience. Make it a positive situation. You can lure the dog in with dog treats. Never yell at the dog if it does not do what you want it to do.

By doing some research on how to train your puppy or dog for crates, you will find many tips and techniques that will be very helpful. Taking into account your pets' temperament and how well they adjust to being alone will play an important part in how easy it is to train them to use the crate. When you go in with this attitude the dog will pick this up and will naturally use the crate as you want it to use it. Be patient with your dog and you will both be

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