Courts And Racial Stereotypes

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I do believe that the courts can be biased. Humans have this unfortunate habit of relying on stereotypes as they go throughout their daily routines. Most of the time these stereotypes are not very correct but people often fall into the trap of relying on racist stereotypes. This problem is everywhere and judges and courtrooms are no exception. I think nobody ever accepts the fact that they have biased views but their actions or behaviors can effectively reveal unconscious racism, sexism, ageism, etc. For example, judges and other court professionals who work hard to eliminate explicit bias in their own decisions and behaviors, may assume that they do not allow any racial prejudice to their judgments. Also most, if not all, judges believe that they are fair and objective and base their decisions only on the facts. …show more content…

I think the court was biased in this case and one of the examples that impressed me and brought me to this opinion was the note by one of the lawyers that was later seen by Mr. Foster. In the note he numbered each black juror (B#1, B#2, B#3, and so

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