Courage In Harper Lee's The Help

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This was it, Catherine was up next to go on stage and perform a song for her whole school. She had tried to do perform many times before but her stage fright always got the best of her, but that wasn’t going to be the case today. Catherine gathered up all of her courage and went on stage nailing her performance. Without courage Catherine would have never been able to accomplish one of her largest goals. COurage is a universal attribute that can be expressed in many different ways. As seen in both To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and The Help by Kathryn stockett, courage is when someone persists on following through no matter how many odds are stacked against them. First, Throughout the book The Help, many characters portray courage while pursuing something …show more content…

Abileen is the first of many maids that puts herself in the positions to help her while most maids will not. Abileen tells skeeter, “Law have mercy. I reckon I’m on do it” (Stockett 142). Abileen is fully aware of the consequences that would follow if she were to get caught but she decides to lend a helping hand anyway. At first Abileen shows a little bit of hesitation but she becomes more confident when it becomes important to her to get her points across through the book. Skeeter Also demonstrates courage when she accepts the job in New York even though it means leaving her family behind. At first skeeter is questioning herself, “Really?...Can I really do this?” but after thinking it over she finally makes up her mind, “I’m going. I am going to New York” (500). Obviously, this was not an easy decision for skeeter. She could of played it safe and stayed with her family but instead she decides to take the brave route and work toward something that has been her goal for quite a while. Another character the exhibits a lot of courage is Minny, when she is faced with the decision to leave her abusive husband. As minny finally learns the

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