Counterfeit Essay

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Actual counterfeit items can be divided into four categories: Vanity Fakes which are low perceived value products, Overruns or copies made from left over material, Condoned Copies made by other designers of fashion houses, and Copies made by the fashion houses themselves.
An interesting argument protecting the counterfeiter themselves is that much of this counterfeiting is done in countries in economic peril, and perhaps the counterfeiter has a right to make a living whatever way they can. Then what is questioned is whose moral right is more important, the designer or the counterfeiter.
The fact is that the high-end fashion goods that are being copied are unattainable for the majority of the world. But does that make it right? The counterfeits may hurt these high-end brands by disassociating their genuine products from the mass of the cheap copies, which look like them.
Still, you may have found a convincing lookalike in some market on your travels: the genuine item is made of several hundred parts and would have taken many thousands of hours of costly research and development to make, but this imitation seems to work well, and it looks smart. You shrug your shoulders and buy it, because “anyway, counterfeiting is a harmless activity!” But what if the airplane you were about to board had been repaired with counterfeit airplane parts: How smart would you feel then?
Modern counterfeiters will copy or recycle just about anything as long as there is a profit to be made, and they are becoming increasingly adept at doing so. The last laugh is on the consumer. Counterfeit or pirated products may seem temptingly cheap, but they are neither a small nor a harmless business. Did you know that when you buy fake designer glasses or a pirated ...

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... of criminal activities and redirecting a proportion of them back into law enforcement, can ease the burden.
Comprehensive and comparable data are a vital base for all of these efforts, but how to build and report such a database? One promising framework which OECD countries could build on comes from the World Customs Organization. This looks at a range of elements, from date of interception and value of product, to routing and type of IPR infringement (patent, trademark, copyright, etc).
Can we counter the counterfeiters? A decade ago people believed writing off bribery costs from their taxes was acceptable: it no longer is. In this and many other areas of policy, the OECD has demonstrated how much can be achieved through sound information and open, determined co-operation. Our job is to help the global economy work better, and that means beating counterfeiting too

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