Coul A Strong Language Of Nathaniel Hawthorn's

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Destiny is unknown to humans eyes, we live day to day seeking for our future knowing it’s not promise to live another day. Nathaniel Hawthorne believes that the future perhaps holds an endless gloom. According to Hawthorne's opinion not knowing our destiny may be a better day. Applying a lot of details and techniques different ways may the reader lead into agreeing into hawthorns opinion. Nathaniel Hawthorn implies vivid description to show that our destiny is unrevealed and can hold a dark side in the endless gloom like he states in his poem, his strong language enhances the mood for the reader.
The author implies vivid description as a strategies to evoke his claim about the mysterious future. Giving us an image about his way of thinking can be very effective in the readers mind. …show more content…

The use of academic intellectual jargon matter a great deal in hawthorns poem trying to develop his ideas. "Within fate's fix'd mysterious book." Involving fate into a public poem can affect the reader in many ways. Fate is a religious word that not all may believe in "fate" Hawthorn can win or either loose creditability. Some people embargo fate and don’t believe there is a destination for their own. The author demonstrates his use of high level language in his poem to support his claim about the dark seeking future. The point of view in this poem is very precisely straightforward towards the future the dark is waiting for all of us. The title in the poem is effective because of the firm words with a lot of meaning behind their meaning. "Oh could I raise the darkened veil." It is important notice that by the author applying "darken veil" many people can have a connection to someone who has deceased. A death is something serious that nobody can just ignore specially from a love one, future can be very random and not knowing when would be our time to see the

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