Cost Of College

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Not everyone graduates college. Or maybe they do but then spend all their time afterward trying to pay back their massive student loans. Every year, millions of students enter American colleges and universities and pay an average of seventeen thousand dollars per year just to enter a public college. A private college costs an average of forty thousand dollars per year. The high prices for their education often cause students to drop out, have a burdening debt, or not even apply to college at all. The costs for going to college in America is one of the highest in the world. I strongly believe that public colleges should lower their tuition and other costs. This move will not only make colleges look better, but also make more students want to enroll in college, thus making schools popular and liked. College freshmen are most often young adults straight from high school. They often do not have jobs or experience, making it difficult to earn money to pay for college while attending. Usually, jobs that are taken are retail or in the food industry, jobs that are often underpaid and stressful, adding to the stress a college student already has. Almost half of the students attending college dropout before they graduate. The price for four years of college may be too much for a young adult, therefore dropping out would soften the blow on …show more content…

A majority of students spend four years in college; they would have to spend about eighty thousand dollars in total. This is a heavy burden for parents and students who have to pay off their bills or get a loan, which is paid off eventually along with interest. This especially is a problem since a number of students are from a low-income family. The high prices would make students have to take out loans which go a long way, even after

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