Cosi Analytical Essay

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Cosi, directed by David Berthold and staged at La Boite Theatre explores human potential, humanity despite mental instability and the assumptions of society in regards to love, relationships and mental health. All of these themes remain relevant despite the play being set in 1972. The production begins with a downhearted and pessimistic feel but evolves into a light-hearted comedy through the libidinous behaviour of Anthony Standish as Zac and the vocal strength and disciplined movement of James Stewart who portrays Henry. The show was successful in both engaging and entertaining the audience through the character development of Henry, the tension created by James Stewart and his manipulation of movements and the comical relief of Zac through his frequent sexual references. Throughout Cosi, the characterisation of Henry by James Stewart evolved the dramatic mood into one of sympathy towards the character and engaged the audience members through his development. Henry’s insecurity and self-consciousness is evident as the production began with his shape being in a hunched manner and his movements being defeated and small. His actions were nervous and jerky whilst his arms were kept closely wrapped around his body to protect himself. These actions remained continuous until someone would approach him, physically contact him or bring focus to him, where he would make percussive and startled movements in attempts to protect himself from the focus of others. This provoked from the audience a yearning for a connection. The unusual and introverted posture signified his lack of self-confidence and engaged the audience further by intriguing them to know more about Henry and his mental illness. Henry’s posture was in contrast to Doug, who ove... ... middle of paper ... ...usly swallow or collect his thoughts before and whilst speaking, acting as only an entertaining comical relief of a character, but not one that would engage and intellectually stimulate. Standish also regularly held his hands around his crotch, comically relieving the audience of intense dramatic moods and powerful tensions through his erotically focussed thoughts and actions. Standish’s portrayal of sexual frustration and the habit of making lascivious jokes were entertaining for the audience, yet not engaging. This was due to Zac’s mainly repulsive actions, spoken thoughts and general insensitivity. The audience to be able to further understand the characters and empathise with them through such humour as to some he was an emotionally accessible man. The lascivious nature of Zac succeeded in providing entertainment to the audience and lightening the dramatic mood.

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