Corruption Of Tom In The Great Gatsby

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The farther away from financial bankruptcy a person gets, the closer to moral bankruptcy they become. Money, and all that comes with it, corrupts the mind and morals of a person. Some people with all the money and things a person could ever need can also be some of the most morally corrupt people that walk the earth. Tom Buchanan in F. Scott Fitzgerald's “The Great Gatsby” exemplifies this to a tee. Tom’s background is one of extreme wealth and influence, a star Football player at Yale, Tom is an absolute brute of a man, described as one of the most most powerful men to ever play Football by another of the novel's main characters. Tom also holds extreme and racist views on race, views inspired by a novel he read called “The Rise of the Colored …show more content…

Tom is a very strong man who is also capable of violence. Many of these acts of violence are towards his wife Daisy. During the novel it is stated and inferred that Tom is violent with Daisy, and we read first hand about his violence with Myrtle. During Nick’s first visit to Tom and Daisy's house she alludes to something Tom did to her “We all looked-the knuckle was black and blue” “You did it Tom” (Fitzgerald 12). This shows how crooked Tom’s morals are, that he cares so little about people around him that he resorts to physical violence when he is upset with them. Also that he would do such a thing to women, let alone his wife, shows how much his morals are corrupted. Tom tries to portray that he is a real manly man yet he, a man of immense size and strength, would even dare hit his wife and even bruise her, again shows how much his morals have been corrupted by his wealth and power. Tom is not only violent with Daisy. Tom’s most egregious act of violence in the novel happens with Myrtle, his mistress. At a party Myrtle and Tom get into and argument and violence ensues “He also mistreats Myrtle herself, whom he violently hits in front of her sister and Nick when she mentions Daisy’s name” (The Great Gatsby 69). This proves Tom’s absolute moral corruption completely, that he would slap and break a woman's nose for mentioning a single name is perfect example of moral bankruptcy. This

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