Copyright: The Importance Of Copyright In The Digital Age

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Copyright in the Digital Age
The new technology has increased the importance of intellectual property. This new technology can be patent, trademark, copyright, etc .. When we talk about copyright protection comes in our mind that usually awarded to literary, musical, dramatic or original artwork. But the growth of new technologies has led to new concepts such as database software, several works in web, etc., computer designs.
So it is very necessary to know more about copyright regarding the music, the distribution and performance of work in cyberspace. Copyright They are thus a key issue in intellectual property rights in the digital age. This work aims to show that the work related to computer can be protected under copyright law.
As the Internet became more prevalent, the need of copyright protection has become a necessity. Today, copyright protection has …show more content…

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Copyright in the digital age
New technology has increased the importance of intellectual property. This new technology can be in the field of patent, trademark, copyright etc. When we talk about copyright protection comes to mind usually given to original literary, musical, dramatic or artistic works. But the growth of new technology has given rise to new concepts such as computer programs, computer database, computer requirements, several works on the network, etc.
Therefore it is very necessary to know (to know) more about copyright in terms of music distribution and performance of work in cyberspace. Copyright is the key issue of intellectual property rights in the digital age. This paper (newspaper) aims to show that the work related to computer can be protected according to copyright law.
As the Internet has became more prevalent, the need for copyright protection there has also become a necessity. Today, copyright law has adapted to protect Internet articles, as adapted over the years to protect various other new

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