Copy Right Law Essay

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Problem caused due to digital platform for copy right law
Under the provisions of the revised copyright law, a photographer owns all rights to his pictures at the moment of creation. That means he and he alone owns the right to sell, use, distribute, copy, publish, alter or destroy his work of art. If you are a photographer, this ownership begins the moment you click the shutter. It continues throughout the life of the artist and 50 years after his or her death. In order to insure you have all the rights the law provides, as well as access to all the legal remedies available, you should have a copyright notice put on all of your published works. "Publication" means not only published in the sense of inclusion in a printed book or magazine, …show more content…

In the Copyright law, provision was made for specific uses of copyrighted work where permission to use is not required, and the copyright holder cannot sue for unauthorized use. This is called "fair use." Specifically, these uses are: teaching, criticism, review, news, parody and satire. Many people have interpreted fair use to mean "as long as you don't sell it, you can copy it." This is not true. Even among teachers there is a tendency to play fast and loose with the concept of fair use, copying anything they think may help in teaching their courses, yet there may be conditions even in these cases, such as whether or not the organization for which the teacher works is non-profit or …show more content…

These have further complicated the situation. In the case of images of public domain works, you need to be sure the CD makers truly do have the right to offer these images. If they do, then they probably hold the copyright for the scanned images on the CD. Make sure they are allowing you to use them freely. If they're offering images of present day artists, make sure they have the rights to those images as well. If not, and you use a questionable image, both you and the CD manufacturer could be liable. The legal experts suggest you read the rights granted to you carefully. If you plan to use these images for commercial use, make sure you call the company and document your rights in

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