Conversation Analysis Essay

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The conversation I chose to analyze was the third conversation between two participants about a classmate they go to school with. After reading and analyzing the conversation I would have to personally find it unsuccessful. The reason is because only one participant is actually successful in communicating their point to the other person. Speaker A starts the conversation by presumably reading something, possibly a text or post, on her phone and reacting outwardly towards it. Speaker B then tries to follow up Speaker A’s reaction by asking about what happened. Speaker A answers, after the second time, and asks Speaker B if he knows her friend. Once Speaker B hears the question he is quick to answer, cutting off Speaker A in the process. In …show more content…

This might have something to do with her making her own positive and negative face better by showing her audience she is a better controlled person than her friend, Kelly, which actually inflates her self-esteem. Overall, the conversation is effective on Speaker A’s part for the sake of making herself look like a good person and friend, but this can’t be very helpful to Speaker B’s part of trying to actually be a part of the conversation. Speaker A violates Speaker B several times during the conversation by stepping over his words. This in turn violates his illocutionary force because he was not able to communicate his feelings. It would seem as though speaker A is looking forward to the perlocutionary force that her story will have rather than any input from another source. The most important part of a conversation, turn-taking, takes place, but there isn 't much construct to it, as it is continually violated rule. There is constant overlap between both speakers and there isn’t much more than one topic that is introduced to the conversation. Although they should have constructed a better dialogue, there was a purpose involved and that purpose came into fruition in the

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