Continuity Of Christianity Essay

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Through these debates, there is a resultant lack of continuity regarding the person of Jesus. I would like to address this briefly here with consideration to possible ways of regaining continuity between the human and divine.

The discontinuity between the Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith is one of the fundamental concerns of modern Christology. Due to the notion of the Scandal of the Cross, which we know of from Pre-Easter faith, there seems to be a divide presented between the Christ of history and the Christ of faith For example, Bultmann stated that “it is the Christ of the Kerygma and not the person of the historical Jesus who is the object of faith”, however, in the modern climate, we better understand the Christ of history and the Christ of faith in regards to the personage of Christ- what he did and what he taught for example.

Through seeking continuity, we must be careful not to denigrate Christology to a lesser position. To simply reduce Jesus to a ‘mere man’ is something which inevitably aids our modern conception of Christ, but also by doing so, we are guilty of adhering to the very …show more content…

There is a carried link between Jesus’ death and resurrection through to the disciples’ post Easter faith and again into the modern minds of today.

This affirmation, however, relies on the understanding that the resurrection, as previously stated by Pannenberg, is a historical event and not a fantasy. Bultmann rejects this idea with Rahner also being vague in his engagement but from what is known about the events surrounding the resultant Easter faith, believers attest that something miraculous did indeed occur. St Paul would support this with the statement that “if Christians jettison the resurrection in the name of reason, or science, or what not, then our faith is in

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