Continuing Public Relations Problems for BP

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One of the primary goals of PR is to bridge the gap between the needs of the public and needs of a company or organization. Knowing that the very idea of drilling on the Continental shelf was a hot button issue, BP should have approached the endeavor with diligence. The findings in the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil spill and Offshore Drilling report could prove damaging tot he companies image because if reveals step by step the mistakes and agenda of the companies management. Halliburton and BP chose to use a form of cement known as “nitrogen foam cement” to address the instability they faced in placement of the pump on the fragile formation at Macondo. They ignored test that showed that cement would fail in the field. They abandoned the project removing its riser and blow out preventer for the well head. During this process there were several mistakes and issues that if monitored correctly could have been prevented .e pressure test that evaluates among other things the ability of the casing in the well to hold in pressure. They replaced mud with seawater below the mud line with seawater. BP should have been more open with its understanding of industry practices and technology. They should have acknowledged their lack of preparedness and their poor cementing of the drilling spot. They knew the government was dependant on them for information and it appears that they took advantage to avoid blame. They should have made all their resources available to the government from day one in order to speed the clean-up efforts. With inspectors who didn’t really have the same knowledge of drilling as the industry they were attempting to regulate they were at liberty to change the procedures and processes at their whi... ... middle of paper ... regulate itself. They should increase their own standards and donate a portion of their profits to trying to fix the devastation in the gulf. They should be seen trying to clean up the gulf. They should as donate a portion of their proceeds to developing new technology that will aid in the cleanup of spills of this nature. They should be open with their business practices in the future and become a responsible partner in environmental efforts. They should avoid areas with volatile environments that aren’t conducive to safe drilling until they develop the technology to do so safely. Works Cited Mulkern, Anne C. June 10, 2010. BP's PR Blunders Mirror Exxon's, Appear Destined for Record Book. New York Times. Retrieved February 25, 2011 from

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