Continuing Education

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When a student graduates the Radiologic Technology Program their education is not exactly over. Radiologic Technologists (R.T.) are required to continue their education after they have graduated by collecting Continuing Education Credits. One may gather these through The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) and The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). Within the realm of Continuing Education, professional’s continuing education involve specific learning activities generally characterized by the issuance of a certificate or continuing education credits. There are many ways to receive continuing education credits but, there are also requirements and qualifications that need to be met in order for one to receive them. There are many advantages in having to “continue your education” but there are some disadvantages as well.
According to the ARRT, “The purpose of the Continuing Education (CE) Requirements is to provide a mechanism for Registered Technologists to fulfill their responsibility to maintain competence in their categories of certification.” Essentially, what this means is that both The ASRT and The ARRT require the Radiologic Technologist to prove their competency in the field by completing these credits. Not only does the R.T. need to complete these credits every other year but they also need to renew their registration as a Radiologic Technologist. The CE requirements for a Technologist is 24 credits and the CE requirements for an R.R.A is 50 credits each biennium. “CE credits must be earned during the biennium that ends on the last date of the month preceding the individual's birth month” and any Technologist already registered must continue their original reporting schedule based upon th...

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... The second component of a CQR process is a self-assessment. This component will allow the R.T. to see their specific strengths and weaknesses not only in their knowledge of the profession, but also the skills based on qualifications of those becoming certified. The last component of a CQR process are the results of one’s self-assessment. One must complete continuing education activities based on the specific areas of your weaknesses. The main advantage to the CQR process is that it provides proof that the technologist is up-to-date with their knowledge and skills.
In the field of Radiologic Technology it is very imperative that one continues their education. The advantages in doing so include the fact that one is allowing for growth and development during their professional career and another is that one is learning new skills and keeping up with new equipment.

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