Content Analysis: Why Students Need To Go To College

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Part of the problem is that society tells students that they need to go to college to be successful. That is definitely not true. Students don’t always need to go to college for a few reasons. First of all, for some student, college hinders, rather than helps them develop their skills. For some other people, going to college is a waste because they have a skill that doesn’t need a college education such as a trade. Things like plumbing or auto repair. And while a lot of people do follow that trade, our current system discourages more students from following that trade. That is a reason for the admission in the collegiate level is the highest it 's ever been but it 's also a reason for the oversaturation in the market.

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You can’t tell the government, lets make college free for a bit and see how people react. Thus, content analysis. The contents i’ve analysed are paper such as the 2014 College Board College Report, as well as expert opinions of people who work in the economic field such as Jon wiener. Also, content analysis allowed me to analyze everyone 's opinion in an even playing field and not put too much bias towards one person 's ideas. This is the same reason that for using correlational research. I looked at both the College Report numbers as well as future prediction numbers from the Tennessee community college plan. which forced me to use factor analysis and meta analysis to affirm my conclusion to make it stronger. I factored in old solutions from the past and its results and meta analysed the patterns from the old solutions to make my solution …show more content…

It is a plan that, with the help of the state and responsible students would allow students to get at least an associate 's degree (White House 2015). While his plan is specific to community colleges, we can modify it to fit the public four year university. His plan consists of “Enhancing Student Responsibility and Cutting the Cost of College for All Americans: Students who attend at least half-time, maintain a 2.5 GPA while in college, and make steady progress toward completing their program (White House 2015). His plan also addresses the job problem coming out of college in which colleges will be expected to offer programs that are occupational training programs with high graduation rates and that lead to degrees and certificates that are in demand among employers (White House 2015). His plan also includes a incentive to help students pay for books and transit costs, and provide academic advising and supportive scheduling programs to better meet the needs of participating students, resulting in greater gains in college persistence and degree completion (White House 2015). The way to make this a reality? Ensuring Shared Responsibility with States in which “Federal funding will cover three-quarters of the average cost of college. States that choose to participate will be expected to contribute the remaining funds necessary to eliminate college tuition for eligible

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