Constructivism Worldview

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1. Name and briefly describe (2-3 sentences each) the four worldviews discussed in Chapter 1 of the Creswell text. Describe which one (or combination) most closely aligns with your own worldview and why. How does one’s cultural worldview impact the research process? a. Postpositivist Worldview i. This worldview has typically represented a more traditional style of research that is highly comparable to the scientific method. Assumptions within this worldview are more often true for quantitative research. In this approach, the researcher begins with a theory, collects data that either supports or refutes the theory, then makes the necessary adjustments and performs more tests to test the adjustments. This theory also acknowledges that researchers must recognize that they cannot be positive about their claims when studying the behavior and actions of humans. b. Constructivist Worldview i. The constructivist worldview is usually seen as a more qualitative approach to research. Researchers within this worldview pay a significant amount of attention to what the individual says, as well as the complexity behind what is said. The researchers usually perform this type of research by asking open-ended questions that seek to understand the contexts in which the individual lives and works. ii. This …show more content…

One’s cultural worldview can impact the research process in numerous ways. For example, those conducting research should be cognizant of the culture they are researching. If one is conducting sports psychology research, then they should work within that culture and understand that most individuals who read the study identify with the sports psychology culture. The topic research being conducted should align with the audience who will be reading the research. In addition, researchers should also be cognizant of their cultural biases. If they are unaware of these biases, then it could eventually affect certain participants and therefore affect the

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