Construction Of A Diasporic Journey In The Hero's Journey

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In different ways, the novel’s narrated the construction of diasporic sensibility subjects effects a evaluation of the postcolonial nation-state without subscribing to a unified, one-world vision of global belonging. The Hero’s Walk, do not rely on the nation to transfer its migrant or diasporic sensibility. On the contrary, it was the space of cultural inhabitation which must be transfer through the disaporic sensibility. This, at least, was the case with Sripathi’s son, Arun, whose political activism was directed against both India’s careless environmental politics and their locally upsetting effects and the ecological disaster generated through the heartlessness and irresponsibility of global economic politics. At the same time, initiating …show more content…

Indeed, the development of a diasporic sensibility consciousness relies on a critical awareness of the dangers that consist in forgetting the location of origin and the tearful process of …show more content…

When Sripathi and his family receive the news of Maya’s and her husband’s fatal road accident, they experience a dramatic up heaval. For Sripathi, this event functioned as the distressed that inaugurated his cultural and personal process of transformation and was played out on different levels. First, his daughter’s death required him to travel to Canada to arrange for his granddaughter’s reverse journey to India, a move that marked her as doubly diasporic sensibility. Sripathi called his “foreign trip” to Vancouver turned out to be an experience of deep psychic and cultural dislocation, for it completely “unmoors him from the earth after fifty-seven years of being tied to it” (140). Sripathi’s own emerging diasporic sensibility condition. Not only must he faced his own fear of a world that is no longer knowable to him, but, more importantly, he must face his granddaughter. Nandana has been literally silenced by the pain of her parent’s death, and her relocation from Canada to Tamil Nadu initially irritated her psychological condition. To Sripathi, however, Nandana’s presence actsed as a constant reminder of his regret of not having “known his daughter’s inner life” (147) as well as her life in Canada. He now recognizeed that in the past he denied his daughter his love in order to support his

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