Constitutional Law Personal Statement

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I am and always have been a thinker and a stalwart to the same political views of most persons in the world when it comes to law, the field that I shall be gladly investing my time, resources, and capabilities in the coming future. Clarifying the reason behind my choice in capsule form is obviously diligent but as countless other great, successful individuals, I shall follow my own mind to accomplish this task and pursue a successful law based career with the utilization of a highly merited degree. Harboring a fervency for reading and writing ever since early age and with my own discovery of the field of law a year ago, the sentiment towards this academic discipline has become more positive to my own likeness and I have developed a deep interest towards constitutional law more specifically, as a result of effective researching on this field and my findings. The principal reason to that lies due to the fact that law is behind the majority of the actions we take in life as a result of our free will, and that law is a varied, broad, and an interesting field in general. Other secondary reasons include the fact that I am a natural born advocate and take pleasure in speaking for others, helping others, and exercising the law to ensure justice and fairness to the people. …show more content…

And with a distinctive affinity of specific courses such as Business studies and English, I have a deep conviction that I retain the academic resources to excel in such a diverse field due to the reason that perseverance is one of my personalizing attributes, and with the adulation for such a field, success is most

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