Constitutional Convention Dbq

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The Constitutional Convention to this day is considered one of the most momentous events in United States Constitutional History. Dubbed the one hundred day debate, the convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The original goal was to revise the existing form of government- the Articles of Confederation- however, many delegates had a different approach to fixing the nation as a whole. Because of federalist delegates such as Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, on September 17, 1787, the convention had formed and adopted a completely new form of government, currently known and in use today as the Constitution of the United States of America. Prior to the Constitutional Convention, the United …show more content…

Due to its ineffectualness, the nation's economic and financial affairs plummeted and the country was thrown into a state that was inhospitable to growth or progress. During this time, the central government had no power to enforce any legislation it passed. Congress was consistently denied the power to tax, and its only option was to request money from the states. Because Congress' requests were typically ignored, the legislature never had the funds to run the government or to fulfill any financial obligations to bondholders, soldiers, etc. With that, Congress and the states both shared the right to issue money. This led to an excess of currency, which decreased the value of all currency. The central government could not control interstate commerce, resulting in navigational rights disputes, as well as interstate tariffs and taxes. Because of this foreign countries were not willing to negotiate trade agreements with the United States. The weakness of the central government put the nation into a state of political uncertainty. By the late 1770’s, American’s knew they needed to fix many of the Articles of Confederation’s problem. In an attempt to do so, a meeting was called that consisted of 55 delegates, representing all colonies except Rhode Island. George Washington was elected president of the convention, however, James Madison is considered …show more content…

New powers were granted to Congress to regulate the economy and currency. At the insistence of delegates from southern states, Congress was denied the power to limit the slave trade for a minimum of twenty years and exports would not be taxed. This was called the Trade and Commerce agreement. Along with that, slaves were allowed to be counted as 3/5 persons for the purpose of apportioning representatives and determining electoral votes, as well as for tax purposes. Delegates compromised on the issue of apportioning members of Congress, an issue that had divided the larger and smaller states. Under a plan put forward by delegate Roger Sherman of Connecticut- the Connecticut Compromise- representation in the House of Representatives would be based on population while each state would be guaranteed an equal two senators in the new

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