Constitutes Medical Negligence

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What Constitutes Medical Negligence? Medical malpractice refers to professional negligence by a health care professional or provider in which treatment provided was substandard, and caused harm, injury or death to a patient. Medical negligence occur when a medical pratictioner act is negligent when treating a patient. It causes harm to the patient. The medical negligence law governs the liability of medical pratictioner including doctors, nurses and medical providers. A medical practictioner or doctor is accountable if his conduct has failed to meet the standard of care. Certain negligence includes as follow-  A doctor or nurse’ failure to provide appropriate treatment for a medical condition  Prescribing the wrong medicine  Failure to diagnose …show more content…

It is a known fact that even with a doctor with the best skills, things sometimes go wrong during medical treatment or in a surgery. A doctor is not to be held negligent simply because something went wrong. It is an admitted fact that the Complainant's eyesight was not restored after the operation was conducted by the Appellant but on this ground alone a doctor can not be held negligent because even after adopting all necessary precautions and care the result of the operation may not be satisfactory since it depends on various other factors. The contention of the Appellant was that the patient was suffering from diabetes and blood pressure and in many such cases eyesight is not restored after the operation however carefully it is done. In this case, there is nothing on record to show that something went wrong due to an act of the Appellant-doctor. There is no evidence to come to the conclusion that the Appellant fell below the standard of a reasonably competent practitioner in their field, so much so that their conduct might be deserving of censure. The Appellant cannot be liable for negligence because someone else of better skill or knowledge would have prescribed a different method of operation in different way. The evidence suggests that the Appellant has performed the operation and acted in accordance with the practice regularly accepted and adopted by him in this

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