Constantine the Great The First Christian Ruler of Rome

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Constantine the Great or Constantine I was the emperor of Rome from 306 to 337 AD. He was born Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus May 22, 337 AD. In Naissus, Moesia Superior (present-day Serbia). He was the first emperor of Rome to be Christian. “And thus by this wholesome counsel and most upright provision we thought to arrange that no one whatsoever should be denied the opportunity to give his heart to the observance of the Christian religion, of that religion which he should think best for himself, so that the Supreme Deity, to whose worship we freely yield our hearts may show in all things His usual favor and benevolence”. He was declared emperor a series of civil wars against the emperors Maxentius and Licinius. He gained control of the east and the west. He is important because of his history with the church and also because he founded the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empires capital would later be named Constantinople after Constantine. Constantine is very import to the church because he helped spread Christianity throughout much of Rome. In his early years C...

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