Conservative Views On Sexuality

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Human Sexuality is an extremely controversial issue in today’s society. There are many different notions on what defines an individual’s sexuality and the proper way to use it in the current culture. Two main viewpoints emerge as the majority of people drift to one side or the other of these outlooks. The following will examine the conservative and liberal views of sexuality looking at the difference between traditional values versus individual choice, as well as the proposed solutions each perspective offers. When looking at the conservative’s opinion towards sexuality, moral beliefs and values are the driving force. The conservatives believe in the principles of right wrong and that there should be limits and rules regarding the acts of …show more content…

A conservative holds on to the principles of traditional society believing that sex should be in the confines of marriage “Many conservatives support the conventional norms that place sexuality within the traditional bonds of marriage” (Macionis, 2015: p 224). If one steps outside of these boundaries, social problems are then created such as teen pregnancy or the issue of abortion. Traditionalists also deem anything that threatens the conventional structure of marriage and family as immoral “Conservatives also condemn prostitution and pornography not only because they violate traditional standards of decency but also because they threaten marriages (Macionis, 2015: p 224.) By upholding the traditional norms a conservative believes the issues of sexuality can be resolved. On the other had the liberal perspective believes in the power of individual choice. This view deems that a person should be able to express their sexuality however they choose “Liberals avoid making judgments that a particular behavior is always right or always wrong; they favor allowing individuals to decide how to behave (Macionis, 2015: p 225). By allowing this tolerance, liberals believe the freedom and expression of sexuality is morally acceptable as long as it does not cause harm. In cases that it would cause harm such as violence against prostitutes or child …show more content…

The conservative solution is to teach responsibility and promote moral values in homes and schools. They like social institutes such as churches to educate and promote abstinence for young people who are not married “Abstinence-only sexuality education, on the other hand, stresses sex within marriage as the only mean to prevent sexually transmitted infection and pregnancy” (Kohler, Manhart, & Lafferty, 2008). Teaching abstinence and the responsibility of sex is believed to lower the risk of STD’s and teen pregnancy. The conservative thought also believes in instilling laws that promote family units and moral social structure “Today, conservatives support a number of policies that promise to strengthen families, such as child-support laws, laws requiring parental notification whenever young women seek abortions, and policies giving parents time away from work to care for family members” (Macionis, 2015: p 225). By upholding the traditional values and enforcing moral laws, traditionalists believe sexual social problems will decrease. The solution from a liberal opinion is quite different in that they look to government to provide programs and sexual education in school systems to help educate people to make an informed decision. They think the individual is responsible for their own choice and as long as they have been educated they are fine to pursue whatever form of

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