Consequential Ism Case Study

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Consequential-ism becomes an important subject to approach due to the process of decision making. In this case, consequential-ism will put a person in a situation that establishes who that person defines themselves to be. Starting off with the trolley scenario, the consequential-ism is scene in all the cases of pulling the level on a train track to determine the direction the train will go. So if a train is coming and the railroad splits into two different track with a people on each one, then who would I save. It is interesting which to choose because I would have to choose the lesser of the risk. So let say the is one person on track A and more than one people on track B, then I would save more people by directing the train onto track A. But know if that was my soulmate, lover or family, I would have to rethink the consequences I would have to face. These different scenarios are not to be easy decisions, but show who the person of their true nature. Personally, if it was someone I knew verse a stranger, I would be automatically incline to pull the level to kill the stranger. But there is also decision of the wrong and right chooses that should be regulated appropriately. In the end, we must be accountable for the decisions we make in life because we will be judge for all of them. We need to understand that the power of …show more content…

Ford had a solution to fix the problem in the Pinto car, but it was cheaper for Ford to pay off the lawsuits then to pay to recall all the cars and fix them. Ford choose to keep the cars out for sale. This endangerment is morally wrong and needed to have consequences more severe than to allow payouts. Although the results, Ford though the payoff of the lawsuit was smarter to save them money, but the ethical codes we not being kept by not being honest in making the right

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