Conscious Decision-Making In The Lottery

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Imagine how conscious decisions can be an effective role to the reader’s personal experiences. In the most recent stories that was given, these narrative discusses the theme to be about conscious decision making. It plays an important role on how individuals make poor decision without being alert in their environment. Conscious Decision is denoting or relating to a part of the human mind that is aware of a person's self, environment, and mental activity and that to a certain extent determines someone’s choices of action This theme correlates to how we experience this obstacle in our personal lives. Conscious decisions reflects people’s actions to determine their artistic expression. This subject express how people attempt to avoid their responsibilities, …show more content…

There is a small town of villagers who comes together to secretly eliminate the winner of this mysterious lottery. The purpose of this story was to express how during this time period the country was under market crash. It involved these villagers to randomly select a card from a black box. The villagers placed stones in their pockets and make a pile in the square. Evidently, whoever draws a black dot on the card would be killed on the spot. A unique character in this story was named Tessie. On the day of the lottery, she forgets that it was going on that exact day. So Tessie says it’s not fair to continue this lottery until everyone sees that she has the black dot on her card. Then the villagers immediately charge at Tessie and throws the stones at her. This story contradicts the purpose of the lottery and theme to represent conscious decisions. It was expected to be that whoever won the lottery would get money, but the turning point of the story was that the person that won would be killed. (S, Jackson …show more content…

This mindset controls people entire artistic expression as human beings. People consider their conscious decisions based on these questions: “What am I really trying to do? Will this action only be of benefit to me? Am I willing to take full responsibility for the outcome of this choice?” (Jackson-Buckley. n.d.). These set of questions is what triggers people mind into making poor decisions and not to think outside their own world. Also, these questions is what makes people to overthink the purpose of any situation that have an impact on their lives in the future. People never manage the outcome of their decisions because they avoid the responsibility. Responsibility is an significant component within the theme of conscious decisions. It allows people to recognize that if they decide to go this route, than the responsibility would be position on that individual. (Jackson-Buckley. n.d.). In my life, conscious decisions relate to my personal experiences on how my choices determine the outcome of my life. I believe that I make good conscious decisions in many case scenarios. My mindset on between what is right and wrong represents how cautious I am to any situation that I encounter. Nevertheless, I have that mindset to adapt to my surroundings which correlates to the effectiveness of my decisions. For example, I have associates who likes to do activities that I would never do.

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