Connotation Vs Denotation Essay

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I have always been fascinated by how we use language. Words are so vastly complex that what should be a simple task of communicating seems to be one of the most difficult tasks human beings ever endeavor to undertake. I write songs. Nothing professional. Most of them are more of a personal journaling process and only for my own ears. I only mention it because, as a song writer I play around with words quite often to make them fit with a previous line, a specific rhythm or to convey just the right thought or emotion. The concept of connotation versus denotation was not a new one for me. However, I did not realize how powerful connotations could be in the process of argumentation. The idea of a semantic differential gave me a new way of viewing …show more content…

The denotative meaning of a word is certainly much easier to understand than the connotative. Yet, the difficulty arises in being able to distinguish when someone is using the denotative or the connotative meaning. Words can also be misunderstood or misconstrued based on the context in which they are used, the person to whom the words are directed, or potential language or culture barriers. With all that can get in the way of understanding just by happenstance, I never gave much thought to the way people use connotation in deliberately calculating, or even misleading, …show more content…

The semantic differential assumes that words fall along a continuum of extremes in regard to connotative meaning. This differential is used often by advertisers and public relations firms. I try to find a balance in my life of not being gullible and naïve but also not being overly cynical. This kind of information makes it difficult. I find it staggering the lengths to which advertisers will go to try and use the perfect combination of words to promote a product, service, or even a person. Groups of people are brought together and they are given a list of words and they are asked to rank them on a spectrum of things such as powerful to powerless, strong to weak, or superior to inferior. By using this meter, anyone who wants to put their best foot forward can figure out which words are best to use and which words to avoid. In a way it is incredibly useful. Now that I am aware of it, I cannot help but feel a little bit manipulated. I know that I will be paying more attention now to words that ads, and arguments, specifically avoid, words they choose to use and any significance of the relationship between the words they

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