Congress's Role In Protecting The Environment Essay

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Congress’s plays a very important role in environmental policy, between being in charge of passing laws, Congress is also in charge of influencing the Executive Branch. Congress’s main role in environmental policy is to make sure that it is well maintained through the passing of different laws. Environmental policy’s main goal is to protect the environment, other goals of include; conservation of natural resources, waste management, economic growth, etc.. Without Congress’s help in creating laws to protect the environment, we would definitely suffer the consequences. One law that congress passed for environmental policy was the Clean Air Act. This Clean Air Act was passed to help protect the well being of the environment and the citizens. The Clean Air Act protects public health and public welfare and it helps to regulate emissions of hazardous air pollutants. Its main goal is to reduce the amount of emission produced by hazardous air pollutants. If congress had not passed this act there would be lots of pollutants in our air, which would be devastating to our health. In fact this type …show more content…

The Clean Water Act was passed to help protect the well being of the environment and the citizens. The Clean Water Act helps to protect public health and public welfare by regulating the disposal of hazardous water pollutants. The Clean Water Act made it unlawful to disposal of any pollutant into any useable waters, unless a permit was obtained. The requirement of a permit helps to controls the types of pollutants in the water. If congress had not passed this act there would probably be lots of dumping into main water sources, which would be devastating to both, our health, and our environment. This type of pollution will introduce many harmful toxins into the water, which could cause irreversible damage to our health, forests, lakes and many other

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