Conflict In The Scarlet Letter

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Constant Conflicts Have you ever had a difficult battle with another person? The archetype man versus man is used when a story has a conflict between two people. The novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne is about a woman named Hester who commits the crime of adultery with Reverend Dimmesdale. Hester’s husband learns about this and as a result tries to harm Dimmesdale Mentally. This archetype is used throughout literature. Man versus man is seen throughout the novel, The Scarlet Letter, between the characters Chillingworth and Dimmesdale and Hester and Pearl. The struggle between the characters Chillingworth and Dimmesdale is an example of man versus man. Chillingworth attacked Dimmesdale emotionally for committing adultery with Hester. In summary, the text described how Hester could see that Dimmesdale has been damaged by Chillingworth mentally (Hawthorne 156). This is man versus man because Hester could see how Dimmesdale was being harmed by Chillingsworth and she rebuked Chillingworth’s actions. Another example of the struggle between Chillingworth and Dimmesdale is Chillingworth pretending to be Dimmesdale’s doctor so that he could damage him emotionally. The text says, “He became, thenceforth, not a spectator only, …show more content…

They may argue this because in the beginning of the novel Hester battles against society when Salem’s haughty, piety, puritan society shames her for sinning. A female from the town said, “but did ever a woman, before this brazen hussy, contrive such a way of showing it!” (52). The women of her society were disgusted by her actions .Man versus society is meager when it comes to the archetype most seen throughout The Scarlet Letter because it is only seen in part of the novel because over time the town treated her less like an outcast while man versus man is seen throughout the whole

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