Conflict Essay: The Best Response To Conflict

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The Best Response to Conflict “The Annex is an ideal place to hide in. It may be damp and lopsided, but there's probably not a more comfortable hiding place in all of Amsterdam”(Frank 18). Every person responds to conflict in a different way, some through being optimistic, some through being pessimistic, and some simply keep quiet. Conflict is something that everyone is faced with in their life. But just as every conflictual situation can be different, so can the response to the conflict. The best way for people to respond to conflict is for them to stay optimistic and persistent, in doing so it can provide health benefits and lead others, as well as helps to create a sense of security and hopefulness for those people. A substantial reason for people to stay optimistic in conflict is that it has positive benefits to their health. In an article on a medical website, it states “Optimism seems to have an important moderating role in the association between feelings of loss of hope and suicidal ideation”(Conversano, Rotondo, Lensi, Vista, Arpone and Reda 10). This statement explains that optimism plays a hand in preventing the association of loss of hope and suicidal tendencies. Optimism is important in responding to conflict because it creates a feeling of safety and hope even when things appear dire. On the same medical website, they say that “In a study on a population of elderly Due to all of the reasons stated in the essay it is proven that it is best to stay optimistic when responding to conflict. Though there are many types of conflict there is one overall best approach when responding to those conflicts and that is optimism. “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”(Helen

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