Confederate Statues Research Paper

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Heritage or Hate? For a long time, there has been controversy over whether or not we should keep or remove our Confederate Statues, but after the recent event in Charlottesville our government is starting to action. I can understand why people would want to take it down because to some people it symbolizes racism and hate. To others these statues are a piece of history that symbolizes the opposite of hatred and racism. Also, it represents a family member fighting in a war. I do not think these statues should be taken down, I had family members fight for the Confederate and I think it is a big part of history that we could learn from. First, some people want to take down the statues because it represents hate and racism. People feel as if the statues represent the leaders of the South, who owned slaves, but not a single statue represents the victims of slavery. The people who support for these monuments to be tear down feel that if we want our public to truly be public people should be able to sit and chat in peace, but with these statues around they feel as if tearing them down would help get rid of …show more content…

One of the reasons is because if we do remove them we are removing a piece of history. They disagree on putting the statues in museums, not everyone will go into a museum to see these statues. If we were to keep these statues outside in the public, then everyone is reminded of the piece of history they represent. Also, we have learned from many of the past events in our history such as 9-11 or the Holocaust. We always say never forget with those events, we don’t need to forget these events, so we can learn from this and hopefully not let it happen again. If we remove these statues we won’t have this as a reminder of the past. In the generation coming up they won’t have the reminder of slavery and would not always be reminded that what happened in the past is in the past and we are growing from

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