Conception: Exploring Female Dependency in Patriarchy

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Have you ever heard the famous catch phrase: “A women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” (Gloria Steinem)? This is not the case in Conception a book written by Kalisha Buckhanon. Conception is about a fifteen year old girl who is impregnated by a married man named Leroy. In the midst of the story we also meet Leroy’s wife Renelle, Shivana’s mother Annette, and her aunt Jewel. These main female characters are socialized to believe they need men and don’t recognize their own ability to provide for themselves. Renelle works to provide for her family, yet she relies on her deadbeat husband. She declares that she “thought about getting a second job but [she’s] pregnant and trying to finish nursing school and working full-time already” (Buckhanon 60). This shows her determination to provide for her family. Everyone knows Leroy doesn’t work, at least not honest work, Renelle even states that he “had been slinging a little rock—just on the side ‘cause [they] been wanting to buy a house” (60). Renelle always made excuses to justify Leroy’s actions. She would …show more content…

She often leaves situations where she is starting to make a life of her own, when she would have to provide for herself. The author writes “She had been to college, several actually, but she had never stayed long enough to earn any degrees” (53). She flees whenever the opportunity of a man comes her way, when in front of her she chooses to go for it without thinking of the repercussions. The author states, “The day Jewel graduated high school, she had run away from her family’s overcrowded Robert Taylor Homes apartment and into the arms of a hefty truck driver who promised to show her the Grand Canyon” (53). It seems after graduating, a time when most people are ready to become adults; she runs away form the responsibility. Jewel frequently sexualizes herself to pull

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