Computer Forensics

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Computer Forensics Overview A computer forensics specialist is basically an investigator whose primary objective is to collect and analyze evidence that will be used in order to solve a crime. “In the criminal justice system, a computer forensics expert's primary task is examining computers and devices to discover and collect evidence to convict or exonerate a person accused of a crime (or in some cases, to determine whether a crime has in fact occurred and the nature of that crime) (Shinder, 2010).” A computer forensics specialist high-level investigation process consists of verification, system description, evidence acquisition, timeline analysis, media and artifact analysis, string or byte search, data recovery, and reporting results. A computer forensics specialist faces many challenges due to the nature of the job. One major challenge is obtaining digital evidence. Digital evidence is information stored or …show more content…

“If you use a computer, you’re vulnerable to malware. And if you’re vulnerable to malware, you’re enabling crime on a mass scale (Pot, 2010).” Malware is usually in the form of viruses, Trojan worms, and other software that can be stored on a computer undetected. Identity theft is another way computing devices are used in crimes today. Identity theft is basically when someone gains access to your personal information and uses it to their benefit. “This could range from a black-hat hacker stealing your online banking account login and password to getting access to your social security number and using it to pretend to be you (Pot, 2010).” “In America alone there are almost 9 million victims of identity theft every year (Pot, 2010).” Malware and identity theft can affect a company's data and information. Hackers can access bank accounts and steal thousands of dollars, get business documents and used them for their own personal gain, or even use the information as

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