Comportance Of Culture In Comparative Politics In Comparative Politics

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Marc Howard Ross’s chapter on importance of culture in comparative politics in the Comparative Politics text is a comprehensive and important example of scholarship on culture in comparative politics. The chapter provides an overarching argument for how culture play a crucial role in explanation of politics. It focus on three important elements. Frist, How people uses culture to define meaning. Second, culture is the foundation of social and political identity which affects individual and collective behavior. Third, to a larger degree discusses methodological approaches in cultural studies as well as reports on the advances made in cultural analysis of politics by historically reviewing the cultural studies of politics. Ross’s accentuation on culture as a fundamental explanatory tradition for politics is premised in that culture “can illuminate micro-and macro-level political dynamics and provide explanatory mechanisms not revealed by either rationality or institutionalism” (Ross 135). Ross does not focus on a specific component of culture, for instance, religion. Instead he …show more content…

Jcobs and Soss Joe is an example that argues for the importance of structural explanations in politics. The authors in this piece are set out to find the answer for the question of “can democracies and capitalism coexist” (Lawrence et al.342)? The economic regime is a structural concept. For instance, American and Japanese economies operate within the capitalist market principles. Economic structures in a country causes different classes of people to be formed based on their income and share of wealth. Political behavior of these groups vary. Among other factors, the economic structure of the United States is a key element in a growing tendency among economically disadvantaged groups to support Bernie Sanders – a social democrat who promises to bring changes in the socio-political structure of

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